Isyana Sarasvati

Hey everyone!  
It's me Tasha! and back again with my blog, how are you today? i hope you pretty good as well.

So today i wanna make some biography from my idol or my role mode. She is Isyana Sarasvati. She is one of my favorite singers who also come from indonesia. So, I will tell you a biography of her so that you know her better.


Isyana Sarasvati, was born on May 2, 1993 in Bandung. Isyana Sarasvati's father called Sapta Dwikarna who works as a therapist and lecturer and her mother was a music teacher, Luana Marpanda.

Isyana has a sister named Rara Sekar Larasati who also likes playing music and has a band called Banda Neira. Music for Isyana's family is familiar. Even when still in the womb, Isyana Sarasvati already familiar with the music, because her mother diligently listen to classical music.

Creating Songs At 7 Years Old

Then when Isyana was three years old, she followed her parents to live in Europe, namely in Belgium because her father took a doctorate there and her mother also received an educational scholarship in the same place. Isyana lived in Belgium for five years, then when she was 7 her musical talent began to show.

She has been able to compose and write her own songs for her to sing by herself, besides that her mother as a music teacher is diligent in guiding Isyana to hone her musical talents. Even in elementary school, he idolized many singers such as Glen Fredly, Rossa and Marcel.

Since childhood, Isyana Sarasvati is already good at playing several musical instruments such as piano, saxofone, and flute and has a sweet voice. No wonder she spent a lot of time playing this instrument for eight hours and practicing her musical talents.

And in the future, Isyana's dream was to become a music composer and orchestra conductor. Then when she was 10 years old, she was able to sing her own song in front of her school friends.

Music Competition Champion Subscription

Entering junior high school, Isyana Sarasvati's talents became increasingly honed. She was even able to come out as the first winner of electronics in Indonesia, then at a very young age she even appeared in the java jazz music arena. In addition to her musical talent, Isyana also shows leadership talent, this was shown when she was able to become the student council president during middle and high school in addition to her busy musical activities.

Received Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts (NAFA) Scholarship Singapore.

When she entered high school, she was used to participating in music competitions. Like participating in music championships in Asia Pacific, Isyana managed to become a champion and enter the top three in the world level in Japan. She has also won 1st place in piano competitions in West Java for 4 times. However, when she was in high school, she contracted anorexia which made him weight only 39 kilograms.

Her brilliant musical talent earned her a scholarship by the Singapore government to 
continue her education at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) in the field of music performance when she was 16 years old. So that she only took high school to second grade.

At the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, she studied music composition and pipe organ in addition to learning to read musical notation. While studying in Singapore, she also became a music teacher to fill het spare time and increase her pocket money while in Singapore besides that she also had time to become an opera singer there. Even when she was 18 years old, she appeared stunning in front of the Singaporean public at the prestigious Asia Pacific Festival in 2011.

Then in 2013, she managed to get the cum laude predicate with a diploma. Due to his brilliant achievements in Singapore, she then received a scholarship to continue her education in England to be precise at the Royal College of Music (RMC), United Kingdom and successfully graduated cum laude from her campus.

This musical ability then made Sony Music Asia Pacific give her a recording contract in preparation for the release of an album at home and abroad. Isyana Sarasvati even went to Sweden to make her solo album. There she then composed 14 songs and one of them is her famous single, Keep being You.

Become a Famous Singer

Her name became known as a singer in the country when her song Keep Being You successfully broke the Indonesian music scene in 2014. The power of vocals and the right song lyrics made Isyana Sarasvati a topic of conversation in the Indonesian music scene as the best newcomer singer.

A year later, Isyana then launched her second single song entitled Tetap Dalam Jiwa in 2015 which later became one of the hits in the country and was very popular on Youtube.

Her voice is melodious and also has a beautiful face so that she is much favored by music lovers in the country. Her popularity made Isyana Sarasvati then approached many music labels to sign her, but she remained under the auspices of Sony Music Asia Pacific.

Okay, maybe the biography I wrote about Isyana Sarasvati is here.

Recount Text About B.J Habibie

      Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie is the third President of Indonesia. He was born on June 25, 1936 in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. He is the fourth of eight children in his family. His parents are Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. He spent his childhood in Pare-Pare. Since he was a kid, he has shown his integrity and persistent behaviour. At school, Habibie whose hobbies are riding horse and reading book is famous for his intelligence.

Habibie’s father passed away due to heart attack when he was in elementary school. After that, his mother sold their vehicle and house and then moved to Bandung. As a single parent, Habibie’s mother worked hard to afford her life with her children.

     In 1954, after Habibie graduated from senior high school in Bandung, he continued his study to Bandung Institute of Technology. He did not finish his study at ITB because at the same time he got a scholarship from The Ministry of education and Culture of Indonesia to study in Germany. He remembered that Bung Karno had ever said about the importance of plane development for Indonesia, and then he decided to take aerospace engineering with aeroplane construction specialty at Rhein Westfalen Aachen Technische Hochschule (RWTH), an institute of technology in Germany

Habibie studied hard to be success since he remembered how hard his mother worked for his life. Even, Habibie spent his time in holiday to earn extra money for buying books. When holiday ended, he did not do anything except studying. In 1960, he graduated with great score, almost perfect (9.5). With his education background, he applied at an industry company of train, named Firma Talbot.

    After that, he continued his doctoral degree at Technische Hochschule Die Facultaet Fuer Maschinenwesen Aachean. In 1962, he got married with Hasri Ainun. She was a doctor and she followed his husband to Germany. Habibie and Ainun has two sons. They are Ilham Akbar dan Thareq Kemal. At that time, life got harder. He had to go to work in the early morning because he walked to the office to save more money. He went home in the evening and studied. He finished his doctoral degree in 1965 with perfect score (10).

In his life, Habibie has got many achievements and awards from Indonesia and other International institution. Before he fulfilled a call from President Soeharto and went back to Indonesia, he had worked at a leading aeroplane industry, MBB Gmbh, Germany. In Indonesia, Habibie had been the minister of Research and Technology for 20 years and led 10 governmental company of strategic industry. He was elected by society representative assembly as the Vice President of Indonesia. When the crisis happened in 1998 and President Soeharto was insisted to step down from his position, Habibie was assigned to replace President Soeharto to be the third President of Indonesia.

     In 2012, the life of Habibie and how he met Ainun were filmed and got high rates for the inspirational story. Hasri Ainun passed away on May 22, 2010 in Ludwig Maximilians Universitat hospital, Klinikum, Muenchen, Germany. She suffered a cancer for a long time however she never told her husband, Habibie. It was known that she had cancer when she collapsed and had to be hospitalized. For Habibie, Ainun is everything. She is a great partner of life who had accompanied him to go through good and bad times in life .

And I'll also add a photo of my assignment from the link :

We have arrived at the end of the blog, hopefully from the biography above we can take the positive value of Isyana Sarasvati.

See you on my next blog! byee 👋🏻


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