Simple Past Tense & Present Perfect Tense

heyy everyonee!

It's Tasha and back again to my blog :)
how's your day? i wish you feeling good today and still healthy.

Okayy, today i wanna explain to you about Simple Past Tense and Present Perfect Continous, maybe of you guys, have heard and understood this tense, but this time i'll explain it again.


The Simple Past tense is a form of tense that describes an event that occurred at a specific time in the past. The verb used in this tense must be the second verb
 ( verb 2 ).

Simple Past Tense formula

This tense consists of a combination of simple aspects (at a specific time) and past (past) time frames.

ShapeSimple Past Tense formulaExample of sentences
Subject + verb 2 + object

Subject + to be (was / were) + adjective/adverb
· We attended the festival last week

· She was absent yesterday

Subject + did not + infinitive verb + object

Subject + was / were + not + adjective / adverb

· We did not attend the festival last week

· She was not absent yesterday

· Did + subject + infinitive verb + object?

· Was / were + subject + adjective / adverb?

· Did they attend the festival last week?

· Was she absent yesterday?

Adverb of time

In the simple past tense sentence, usually a description of the time when an event occurs, is as follows:

a) A year or month that has passed· In 1945, Indonesia successfully got its independence from Japan

· On February 2015, my parents moved to the United States

b) The time phrase preceded by the last, such as:

last week, last month, last year, last holiday

· I graduated last month

Last night, I had a date with my boyfriend

c) The time phrase followed by ago, such as:

three months ago, a few days ago, one year ago

· My passport expired one year ago

· The legendary singer Prince died a few days ago

d) Other time statements that state the past, such as:

yesterday, the day before yesterday, this morning
 She did not come to the office yesterday

· I had my breakfast this morning


UseExample of sentences
a) To describe an event that occurred at a definite time in the past· I met my husband in 2014

· We visited Sydney for our honeymoon

b) To explain events that took place in a period in the past· Rose attended Harvard University for four years as an undergraduate

· Royton lived abroad for five years

c) To show a habit or action that is repeated in the past· Alex swam a lot while he was on holiday

- When I lived in Tokyo, I always walked a mile to my school every day

d) To express self-perceptions and emotions that were felt in the past· Reese always knew that she wanted to be a lawyer

· I was so happy during my study in New York

e) To explain the possession or possession in the past· She did not have a car when she was in college

· My family did not own a house

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense is a form of verb that is used to express an action or situation that has started in the past and is still continuing until now or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past but the effect is still continuing.

Present Perfect Tense formula

The present perfect tense is formed with the auxiliary verb have or has , and the past participle (verb- 3). Have is  used for  I ,  you , and  plural  subjects such as:

  • Plural pronoun (they, we)
  • Plural noun (boys, men)
  • Compound subject with the conjunction "and" (you and I, Tom and Jack)

Meanwhile, has  for the  singular subject, such as:

  • Third-person singular pronoun (he, she, it)
  • Singular noun (Tom, man).

Positive statement sentences

  • I / You / We / They + have + verb 3 (They have lived in Jakarta for a long time)
  • He / She / It + has + verb 3 (He has learned English for one year)

Negative statement

  •  I / You / We / They + have + not + verb 3 (They have not lived in Jakarta for a long time)
  • He / She / It + has + not + verb 3 (He has not learned English for one year)

Question / interrogative sentences

  • Have + I / You / We / They + verb 3? (Have they lived in Jakarta for a long time?)
  • Has + He / She / It + verb 3? (Has he learned English for one year?)

Adverbs of time

  • Yet
  • Already
  • Just
  • Ever
  • Never

And when we speak of unfinished actions or a particular situation, then we can use:

  • For
  • Since

Perfect Time to Use the Present Perfect Tense

its characteristics with the following example of a time statement .

  • Already
  • Just
  • Recently / lately
  • Ever
  • Yet
  • For + time description showing past to present
  • Since + information about the time that shows the first time the event or activity started.

Examples of Present Perfect Tense Sentences

If implemented into a sentence. How about an example?

Talk about experiences

  • I have been to France.
  • I think I have seen that movie before.

A change

  • You have grown since the last time I saw you.
  • Japanese has become one of the most popular courses at the university since the Asian studies program was established.

Achievements or results.

  • Our son has learned how to read.
  • Doctors have cured many deadly diseases.

Unfinished activity

  • James has not finished his homework yet.
  • Susan hasn't mastered Japanese, but she can communicate.

Several activities that occur over a different period of time

  • The army has attacked that city five times.
  • I have had four quizzes and five tests so far this semester.
This is my task :
 Make 4 sentences using Simple Past Tense and Present Perfect Tense :

My task from link :

My task from Gform :

This my video about Simple Present Tense and Present Perfect Tense

So we finished untill last part, i hope you can understand about this lesson. Thanks to those of you who have read this, and don't forget stay healthy.

Thankyouu, see you on my next blog. 😊 


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