My planning after the covid19 pandemic is over


Hey everyone!
It's me Tasha, and back again to my blog! 
How are you today?? I wish you are very great.✨

In this time i wanna tell you the lesson about "What are You Going to Do Today?" but i just share to you how to make a sentence from Will, To be going to, Would rather than, and  Would like.

(+) S + Will + Verb 1 + O
• To be going to
(+) S + To be + Going to + Verb 1 + O
• Would rather
(+) S + Would rather + Verb-ing + O + than Verb-ing + O 
• Would like
(+) S + Would like + Verb 1 + O

Okay, below here i made 1 story using all four sentences.

Timezone area

After pandemic Covid-19, me and my friends will go to the mall together. At, the mall we plan to playing instead watching, because we would rather playing in Timezone than watching movie on cinema. There we would like ride a mini roller coaster and other games. After riding the roller coaster maybe, we are taking pictures using the camera of one of us and We will laugh at each other's face expressions. I wish this planning will be done because so long time i couldn't met them and i missed my friends so much.

And this is my assignment, page 44 :

Below is a photo of my assignment, I don't know whether it's true or not, Correct me if i'm wrong 😄

I think that's enough untill here, i tell you my plans for the future, and I hope you stay healthy and enthusiastic! 😊

See you on my next blog 👋🏻

This is my video about Planning 😊


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